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Introduction to Agronomy

The idea of carrying out this work arose in 1994, along with the creation of the Introduction to Agronomy discipline for the Agronomy course at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro UFRRJ and due to the lack of didactic material in language and content compatible with incoming students. in the course.

In 1998, this discipline became mandatory at the national level, as determined by the MEC's curriculum standards.

For almost all professions, there are basic textbooks, used by new students as textbooks. They serve to connect the basic knowledge in a simple and logical way for further deepening in the middle and end disciplines of a training course. In Agronomy, this did not exist yet.

We hope that Introduction to Agronomy fulfills its mission of encouraging Agronomy students to pursue their careers, of showing them, in simple language, the charms of this beautiful profession.

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