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Book Description

We are a family owned and operated business.

Leandro Karnal debunks the myth of the peaceful Brazilian. “Just you and me, dear reader, dear reader, we neither hate nor are we violent, much less prejudiced,” says Karnal. An ironic joke to show how much we transfer to the other what is bad. A controversial, provocative and thought-provoking book in which he states that hate is one of the most powerful mirrors to look at our own face. That evil is as close to hatred as it is to envy.

We are a family owned and operated business.

In times of drumsticks against petrels, xenophobes against immigrants, the new feminism and LGBT movements, in times of political correctness against its most scathing critics, Leandro Karnal shows that history and reality reveal a dark side of the Brazilian that we usually do not recognize : we are violent in traffic, in the streets, in the comments of social networks and gossip on street corners; we are violent when supporting our team and voting; we are violent on a daily basis.

We are a family owned and operated business.

In “Todos Contra Todos”, Leandro Karnal combines the characteristics that made him the most pop historian in Brazil: erudition and lightness, depth and humor. They come together on the pages of this book to be enjoyed by readers. Everyone against everyone opens up the controversy of the aggressive words, the nature of the angry reactions directed at the other and the reason why we hide from ourselves the small and great evils of everyday life.

Descrição do livro

A fuga da família real portuguesa para o Rio de Janeiro ocorreu num dos momentos mais apaixonantes e revolucionários do Brasil, de Portugal e do mundo. Guerras napoleônicas, revoluções republicanas, escravidão formaram o caldo no qual se deu a mudança da corte portuguesa e sua instalação no Brasil.

O propósito deste maravilhoso livro, resultado de dez anos de investigação jornalística, é resgatar e contar de forma acessível a história da corte lusitana no Brasil e tentar devolver seus protagonistas à dimensão mais correta possível dos papéis que desempenharam duzentos anos atrás. Escrita por um dos mais influentes jornalistas da atualidade, “1808” é o relato real e definitivo sobre um dos principais momentos da história brasileira.

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